ARTICLE 1 (Purpose)

These terms and conditions are established for the purpose of defining the rights, obligations, and responsibilities between the users of the SCAN 2024 event website, http://scan.sx (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”), and the operator of the website, D Asset Inc., in relation to the use of event information, registration services (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”) provided through the SCAN 2024 event website.

※ “These terms and conditions shall also apply to electronic commerce using PC communication and wireless communication, unless they contradict its nature.”

ARTICLE 2 (Definitions)

① “Website” refers to the virtual platform provided by D Asset Inc. through the SCAN 2024 event website, where users can access and trade goods or services, including offline event tickets (hereinafter referred to as “Goods, etc.”), using computer or information communication facilities. It also refers to the operator of the SCAN 2024 event website.

② “User” refers to any person, whether a registered member or a non-member, who accesses the Website and receives the services provided by the Website in accordance with these terms and conditions.

③ “Member” refers to an individual who has completed the registration process on the Website, becoming a member and gaining continuous access to the services provided by the Website.④ “Non-member” refers to an individual who accesses and utilizes the services provided by the Website without completing the registration process as a member.

ARTICLE 3 (Disclosure, Explanation, and Revision of Terms and Conditions)

① The “Website” shall post the contents of these terms and conditions, as well as the name and representative of the website, the address of the business location (including the address where consumer complaints can be addressed), telephone number, facsimile number, email address, business registration number, telecommunications sales report number, and personal information manager, on the initial service screen (front) of the SCAN 2024 event website, to enable users to easily access this information. However, the contents of the terms and conditions may be provided through a connected screen for users to view.

② Before users agree to the terms and conditions, the “Website” must provide a separate connected screen or pop-up screen to ensure that users can understand important contents such as withdrawal of subscription, delivery responsibility, refund conditions, etc., and obtain user confirmation.

③ The “Website” may revise these terms and conditions within the scope that does not violate the “Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.,” “Act on Regulation of Standardized Contracts,” “Electronic Documents and Transactions Act,” “Electronic Financial Transactions Act,” “Electronic Signatures Act,” “Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc.,” “Door-to-Door Sales Act,” “Consumer Basic Act,” and other relevant laws.

④ When the “Website” revises the terms and conditions, it shall announce the effective date and reasons for the revision, along with the current terms and conditions, on the initial screen of the mall from 7 days prior to the effective date until the day before the effective date. However, in the case of changing the terms and conditions to the disadvantage of users, the “Website” shall announce it with a minimum notice period of 30 days or more. In this case, the “Website” shall clearly indicate the pre-revision and post-revision contents, making it easy for users to understand.

⑤ Revised terms and conditions shall only apply to contracts concluded after the effective date. The pre-revision terms and conditions shall continue to apply to contracts that have already been concluded. However, if users who have already entered into a contract wish to apply the revised terms and conditions, they may send their consent to the “Website” within the notice period for the revised terms and conditions stated in paragraph 3, and in that case, the revised terms and conditions shall apply.

⑥ Matters not specified in these terms and conditions and the interpretation of these terms and conditions shall be governed by the “Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.,” “Act on Regulation of Standardized Contracts,” guidelines on consumer protection in electronic commerce, etc. established by the Fair Trade Commission, relevant laws and regulations, or generally accepted practices.

ARTICLE 4 (Provision and Modification of Services)

① The “Website” performs the following tasks:Providing information on offline event tickets and entering into purchase contractDelivery of offline event tickets for which purchase contracts have been entered intOther tasks designated by the “Website”

② In the event of the sold-out status or changes in technical specifications of offline event tickets, the “Website” may modify the contents of the offline event tickets to be provided under future contracts. In this case, the modified contents of the offline event tickets and the date of provision shall be promptly notified at the place where the current contents of the offline event tickets are posted.

③ If the “Website” needs to modify the contents of the service it has contracted with the user, such as due to the sold-out status of offline event tickets or changes in technical specifications, it shall immediately notify the user at an address where the user can be contacted.

④ In the case mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the “Website” shall compensate the user for any damages incurred. However, this shall not apply if the “Website” can prove that there was no intentional or negligent fault on its part.

ARTICLE 5 (Suspension of Service)

① The “Website” may temporarily suspend the provision of services if there are reasons such as maintenance, replacement, malfunction of information and communication equipment, interruption of communication, etc.

② The “Website” shall compensate the user or a third party for any damages incurred due to the temporary suspension of service under the reasons stated in paragraph 1. However, this shall not apply if the “Website” can prove that there was no intentional or negligent fault on its part.

③ If the service becomes unavailable due to reasons such as a change in business type, abandonment of business, or integration between companies, the “Website” shall notify the user in accordance with Article 8 and compensate the consumer in accordance with the conditions initially provided by the “Website”. However, if the “Website” has not announced the compensation standards, it shall provide users with goods or cash equivalent to the mileage or accumulated points of the users in the currency value commonly used on the “Website”.

ARTICLE 6 (Membership Registration)

① Users apply for membership by filling out the membership information according to the registration form specified by the “Website” and expressing their consent to this agreement.

② The “Website” shall register users as members who have applied to become members as described in paragraph 1, unless they fall under any of the following subparagraphs:If the applicant has previously lost membership status under Article 7, paragraph 3 of this agreement. However, this exception applies if three years have passed since the loss of membership status under Article 7, paragraph 3, and the applicant has obtained the re-registration approval from the “Website”.If there is false, missing, or misleading information in the registration details.If registering the user as a member is significantly hindered due to technical reasons determined by the “Website”.

③ The time of establishment of the membership registration contract shall be the moment when the acceptance from the “Website” reaches the member.

④ If there are any changes to the registered information provided during membership registration, the member must promptly notify the “Website” of such changes through methods such as modifying member information.

ARTICLE 7 (Withdrawal of Membership and Loss of Qualification)

① Members may request withdrawal from the “Website” at any time, and the “Website” shall process the withdrawal promptly.

② If a member falls under any of the following subparagraphs, the “Website” may restrict or suspend the membership:If false information was provided during the application for membership.If the member fails to make payment for the price of goods or other obligations borne by the member in relation to the use of the “Website” by the due date.If the member interferes with the use of the “Website” by others or misappropriates their information, thereby threatening the order of electronic commerce.If the member engages in actions prohibited by laws or this agreement or acts against public order and morals through the use of the “Website”.

③ After restricting or suspending the membership, if the same actions are repeated more than twice or if the reasons are not rectified within 30 days, the “Website” may terminate the membership.

④ In cases where the “Website” terminates the membership, the member’s registration will be canceled. In this case, the “Website” shall notify the member of the termination and provide an opportunity for the member to present their case for a minimum period of at least 30 days before the cancellation of the membership registration.

ARTICLE 8 (Notification to Members)

① When the “Website” notifies a member, it may be sent to the member’s designated email address agreed upon with the “Website”.

② In the case of a notice to an unspecified number of members, the “Website” may post the notice on the “Website” bulletin board for a period of at least one week, instead of individual notifications. However, for matters that significantly affect the member’s transactions, individual notifications shall be given.

ARTICLE 9 (Purchase Application and Consent for Provision of Personal Information)

① Users of the “Website” shall apply for a purchase through the “Website” using the following or similar methods, and the “Website” shall provide the user with the following information in an easy-to-understand manner when making a purchase application:Searching and selecting offline event tickets or similar items.Inputting the recipient’s name, nationality, affiliation, job title, email address, etc.Confirmation of the terms and conditions, services with limited withdrawal rights, and information related to the costs such as delivery fees and installation charges.Agreement to these terms and conditions, and confirmation or refusal of the items in No. 3 above by the user (e.g., by clicking a mouse).Agreement to the purchase application for goods or similar items and confirmation by the “Website” or its agent.Selection of the payment method.

② If the “Website” needs to provide the buyer’s personal information to a third party, it must inform the buyer of the following: 1) the recipient of the personal information, 2) the purpose of using the recipient’s personal information, 3) the items of personal information provided, and 4) the period during which the recipient will retain and use the personal information. The “Website” must obtain the buyer’s consent. (The same applies when there are changes to the agreed-upon matters.)

③ If the “Website” entrusts the handling of the buyer’s personal information to a third party for business purposes, it must inform the buyer of 1) the party handling the personal information, and 2) the details of the entrusted business. The “Website” must obtain the buyer’s consent. (The same applies when there are changes to the agreed-upon matters.) However, in cases where it is necessary for the performance of the service agreement and is related to the improvement of buyer convenience, the “Website” may notify the buyer through the privacy policy in accordance with the methods specified in the “Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc.” without going through the notification and consent procedures.

ARTICLE 10 (Formation of Contract)

① The “Website” may refuse to accept a purchase application, as described in Article 9, under the following circumstances. However, if a contract is concluded with a minor, the “Website” must notify that the minor or their legal representative may cancel the contract if the consent of the legal representative is not obtained.If there is false, omitted, or misleading information in the application.If a minor purchases goods or services prohibited by the Youth Protection Act, such as tobacco or alcohol.If accepting the purchase application would significantly impede the technical operation of the “Website.”

② The contract is deemed to be formed at the time the “Website” sends the acceptance to the user in the form of a receipt confirmation notice, as stated in Article 12, paragraph 1.

③ The acceptance by the “Website” must include confirmation of the user’s purchase application, information on the availability of the goods or services, and the right to amend or cancel the purchase application.

ARTICLE 11 (Payment Methods)

Payment for goods or services purchased from the “Website” may be made using one of the available methods listed below. However, the “Website” cannot charge any additional fees under any pretext on top of the payment for goods or services.

Various account transfers, such as phone banking, internet banking, and mail banking.

Various card payments, such as prepaid cards, debit cards, and credit cards.

Online bank transfer.Payment through electronic currency.

Payment upon receipt.

Payment using points or mileage provided by the “Website.”

Payment using vouchers or gift cards that have been contracted or recognized by the “Website.”

Payment using other electronic payment methods.

ARTICLE 12 (Receipt Confirmation Notice, Modification, and Cancellation of Purchase Application)

① If there is a purchase application from a user, the “Website” shall send a receipt confirmation notice to the user.

② Upon receiving the receipt confirmation notice, the user may immediately request a modification or cancellation of the purchase application if there is a discrepancy in the intention of the user’s expression. If the user makes a request before delivery, the “Website” must promptly process the request accordingly. However, if the user has already made the payment, the provisions regarding withdrawal of offer, etc., as stipulated in Article 15, shall apply.

ARTICLE 13 (Supply of Offline Event Tickets, etc.)

① Unless there is a separate agreement regarding the supply timing of offline event tickets between the “Website” and the user, the “Website” shall take necessary measures such as order production, packaging, and other necessary actions to ensure that the goods or services can be delivered within 7 days from the day the user made the offer. However, if the “Website” has already received all or part of the payment for the offline event tickets or other goods or services, it shall take action within 3 business days from the day it received all or part of the payment. In this case, the “Website” shall take appropriate measures to allow the user to confirm the procedure and progress of the supply of goods or services.

② The “Website” shall specify the delivery method, the party responsible for the delivery cost for each method, and the delivery period for each method for the offline and online event tickets purchased by the user. If the “Website” exceeds the agreed delivery period, it shall compensate the user for any damages caused thereby. However, this shall not apply if the “Website” proves that there was no intentional or negligent fault on its part.

ARTICLE 14 (Refund)

① If the “Website” is unable to deliver or provide the goods or services requested by the user due to reasons such as being out of stock, it shall promptly notify the user of the reasons and take necessary measures to refund the payment for the goods or services or take other necessary actions within 3 business days from the day it received the payment for the goods or services in advance.

ARTICLE 15 (Withdrawal of Subscription, etc.)

① Users who have entered into a contract for the purchase of tickets for offline events through the “website” or offline events shall be entitled to a full refund within 7 days from the date of receipt of the written contract information pursuant to Article 13, Paragraph 2 of the “Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.” (For cases where the supply of offline event tickets is delayed beyond the date of receipt of the written contract, it refers to the date of supply or the date the supply of offline event tickets begins). However, if there are different provisions regarding withdrawal of subscription under the “Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.”, those provisions shall apply.

② In the case of cancellation of ticket purchases based on the event date, the following refund percentages shall apply:9 days to 7 days before the event: 90% refund of ticket amount.6 days to 3 days before the event: 80% refund of ticket amount.2 days to 1 day before the event: 70% refund of ticket amount.On the day of the event: No refund.

③ In cases where both paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 apply, the refund policy based on paragraph 2 shall take precedence. (However, if the cancellation is made before 12:00 AM on the day of the reservation within the cancellation period, a full refund shall be provided.)

④ If the “website” has not clearly indicated the restrictions on withdrawal of subscription in an easily recognizable place or has not taken measures such as providing trial products, the user’s withdrawal of subscription shall not be restricted.

⑤ Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2, if the content of the offline event ticket or its performance differs from the displayed or advertised content or the contract, the user may withdraw the subscription within 3 months from the date of receiving the offline event ticket or within 30 days from the date the user became aware or could have become aware of such fact.

ARTICLE 16 (Effects of Withdrawal of Subscription, etc.)

① In the event that the “website” receives returned offline event tickets or other goods from the user, it shall refund the amount already received for the goods within 3 business days. In this case, if the “website” delays the refund of the offline event tickets, it shall pay the user a delay interest calculated by multiplying the delay interest rate prescribed in Article 21-2 of the “Enforcement Decree of the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.”

② When refunding the above amount, if the user has paid the price of the goods or other items through a credit card or electronic currency, the “website” shall promptly request the business operator that provided the payment method to suspend or cancel the charge for the price of the goods or other items.

ARTICLE 17 (Protection of Personal Information)

① The “website” collects the minimum amount of personal information necessary for providing services when collecting user’s personal information.

② The “website” does not collect information necessary for the performance of the purchase contract in advance at the time of membership registration. However, if it is necessary to verify the identity of the user before the purchase contract due to the obligations under related laws, it may collect the minimum specific personal information.

③ When collecting and using user’s personal information, the “website” shall inform the user of the purpose and obtain their consent.

④ The “website” shall not use the collected personal information for purposes other than the intended purpose, and when a new purpose of use arises or when providing it to a third party, it shall inform the user of the purpose and obtain their consent at the time of use or provision. However, this does not apply if otherwise stipulated by related laws.

⑤ When the user’s consent is required in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3, the “website” must specify or notify in advance the identity of the personal information manager (name, nationality, affiliation, position, email, etc.), the purpose of collection and use, and the details of providing information to third parties (recipient, purpose of provision, and content of information) as prescribed in Article 22, Paragraph 2 of the “Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.” The user may withdraw this consent at any time.

⑥ The user may request access to and correction of their personal information held by the “website,” and the “website” is obligated to take necessary measures without delay. If the user requests correction of an error, the “website” shall not use the personal information until the error is corrected.

⑦ The “website” shall limit the number of personnel handling the user’s personal information to a minimum in order to protect personal information and shall be responsible for any damages incurred by the user due to loss, theft, leakage, unauthorized provision to a third party, tampering, or any other actions related to the user’s personal information, including credit cards and bank accounts.

⑧ The “website” or a third party that has received personal information from the “website” shall promptly destroy the personal information when the purpose of collection or provision has been achieved.

⑨ The “website” does not preselect the consent box regarding the collection, use, and provision of personal information. Also, when the user refuses consent regarding the collection, use, and provision of personal information that is not mandatory, the “website” does not restrict or reject the provision of services such as membership registration, specifically indicating the services that are limited due to the refusal of consent for the collection, use, and provision of personal information.

ARTICLE 18 (Obligations of the "Website")

① The “website” shall not engage in acts prohibited by laws and this agreement and shall make every effort to provide goods/services continuously, stably, and in accordance with this agreement.

② The “website” shall establish a security system to protect the personal information (including credit information) of users and ensure that users can use the internet service safely.

③ If the “website” engages in unfair labeling or advertising practices specified in Article 3 of the “Act on Fair Labeling and Advertising” and users suffer damages as a result, the “website” shall be liable for compensation.

④ The “website” shall not send commercial electronic mails for profit purposes that the user does not wish to receive.

ARTICLE 19 (Obligations regarding Member's ID and Password)

① Except as provided in Article 17, the member is responsible for the management of their ID and password.

② The member must not allow a third party to use their ID and password.

③ If the member becomes aware that their ID or password has been stolen or is being used by a third party, they must immediately notify the “Website” and comply with any instructions provided by the “Website.”

ARTICLE 20 (Obligations of Users)

Users must not engage in the following actions:

Registering false information when applying or modifying informationdentity theft of others’ information

Modifying information posted on the “Website”

Transmitting or posting information (such as computer programs) other than the information designated by the “Website”

Infringing upon the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of the “Website” or third parties

Damaging the reputation of the “Website” or interfering with its operations or business of third parties

Posting or disclosing obscene, violent messages, images, sounds, or other information that violates public morals on the “Website”

ARTICLE 21 (Ownership of Copyright and Restrictions on Use)

① The copyright and other intellectual property rights of the works created by the “Website” belong to the “Website.”

② Users must not reproduce, transmit, publish, distribute, broadcast, or use for commercial purposes without prior consent from the “Website” any information obtained through the use of the “Website” that is subject to the intellectual property rights of the “Website.”

③ If the “Website” uses the copyrighted works belonging to users according to an agreement, the “Website” must notify the user concerned.

ARTICLE 22 (Dispute Resolution)

① The “Website” establishes and operates a damage compensation organization to reflect the legitimate opinions or complaints raised by users and compensate for any damages.

② The “Website” gives priority to handling complaints and opinions submitted by users. However, if prompt processing is difficult, the “Website” must immediately notify the user of the reasons and the expected processing schedule.

③ In the case of a dispute related to electronic commerce between the “Website” and a user, if the user files a request for dispute resolution to address their damages, it may be resolved in accordance with the mediation of a dispute settlement institution commissioned by the Fair Trade Commission or the mayor or governor of a city or province.

ARTICLE 23 (Jurisdiction and Applicable Law)

① Lawsuits regarding electronic commerce disputes between the “Website” and users shall be filed with the local court having jurisdiction over the user’s address at the time of filing. However, if the user’s address or place of residence is not clear at the time of filing, the lawsuit shall be filed with the competent court in accordance with the Civil Procedure Act.

② Korean law shall apply to lawsuits filed between the “Website” and users regarding electronic commerce disputes.